Easy Chic

Grazia is a multiplatform source of information and news on fashion, stars, beauty, and lifestyles as seen through the eyes of celebrities. Grazia’s mission is to show readers how they can seamlessly weave the latest trends into their lives. Grazia does more than talk: it provides a guide to action, offering ready-made fashion and beauty looks for leisure, eating out and parties.

Published since 2007
Weekly frequency
55,000 copies
An authoritative source of fashion information and news, celebrities, beauty, and lifestyles.
Brand News
The New Grazia
The issue has two covers, both featuring actress Lyubov Aksenova.
17 june 2024
Grazia Hosted Business Breakfast
The brand gathered friends and partners to sum up the results of the year and share plans for the future.
3 june 2024
Grazia Releases Special Issue: Don’t Make a Mistake
The issue contains four covers, each featuring rising star Maria Cage.
16 april 2024
Welcome Grazia.ru
As part of its development, the Grazia site became a top-tier domain: grazia.ru.
4 april 2024