Journey: The Rules of Life Presented Its First Travel Award

The Rules of Life presented its first Journey Award on June 25 at the Odeon Theater in Moscow. Over the course of the year, the editors joined experts from various fields to select the best hotels, restaurants, and services for the brand’s new tourist guide to Russia. 

The award jury included Sergei Kapkov, head of the Moscow Center for Urbanism at the Faculty of Economics of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the City Services Committee in the Yandex Consultation Center; Maria Grudina, ideologist and founder of the First Line preventive medicine resort; Pavel Aleshin, general director of Yandex Verticals and head of Yandex Travel; Irina Mamai, creator of the Chip Trip tourist community and agency; and other experts.

The full list of winners is published on the website of The Rules of Life

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